Now there’s a question you must have asked yourself from time to time. There are so many escorts in the city that it’s almost necessary to book two at once in order to see as many as possible! You can always book as many girls as you like from Allstars Escorts, but we can’t guarantee whether the ones you book will be genuinely bisexual or not.
Escorts duos
However, we do have yet another new feature for you. We are proud to introduce our new duo London escorts gallery where you can now book real, genuinely bisexual London escorts together. You will perhaps notice that this gallery has a number of girls from the regular gallery. They’re very happy that we have this new page for them because it gives them a platform from which to promote their services to the full, as genuine bi-sexual London escorts.
Advance duo bookings
It’s always going to be better for you to price-wise book your escorts in advance, but it’s actually quite necessary to do this with the duos. Obviously, the girls are going to have to coordinate themselves and be ready together at the time you have booked them. So, try to book in advance when you can.
Try something new
So if you’re never tested your endurance with two girls before, try it at least once. After all, you’re only here once, aren’t you? Unless you know something we don’t of course. You don’t have to do anything particularly special with your girls or go to extra lengths to please them. They’re there for your entertainment after all, and we are certain that they will do everything in their power to ensure that your London escort experience is one you’ll remember forever, and one you’re likely to want to repeat!
Check out the new duo London escorts gallery now!