Here at Allstars Escorts we are very much a “supply and demand” agency. We wouldn’t offer any type of service if there wasn’t a demand for it basically. We have always known that there was a huge demand for cheap London escorts, and this is what has kept us in business for so long. But times change and this is now reflected with the continued innovation of our agency website.
Elite London escorts
Elite London escorts have long been popular in the city of course, but they haven’t always been for every agency. You see, we weren’t likely to offer elite services to our clients until they asked for them. There wouldn’t have been any point in listing a load of girls at a higher rate and wasting their time, if we didn’t have the bookings to give them. Basically we have waited until we have more than a few requests for elite London escorts on a weekly basis, before actually adding them to the website.
They’re not just the old girls
And we didn’t want to do what a few of you may have thought. We didn’t want to simply up the prices of the girls currently on the website and rebadge them as “elite”. That’s not the way we do business, it never has been and it never will be. We believe in quality services and quality prices, and this is what we have built our company reputation on for all these years. We didn’t expect our cheap London escort clients to book our new elite London escorts for a moment. Although, surprisingly enough, due to our loyal customer base and our excellent reputation, some of them actually have!
So in answer to the original question: why do we offer elite London escorts? We offer them because there’s a demand for them now. We offer them because you want them. And we only ever offer the best we can. The girls we get applying for elite escort positions are always thoroughly checked, to make sure they fulfil those all important “elite” qualities!
Check out the elite London escorts gallery now