First of all, we’d like to say that we will be open 24 hours a day, all throughout the festive season. We’ve always done it, and Christmas and New Year aren’t going to make a difference. Hell, Christmas and New Year are a time for celebration, and we all know that celebrating is best done in groups. Groups of London escorts of course!
Holiday season
You may or may not be away that some of the London escorts we represent are not British, and as such they often return to their respective homes during the festive season. This isn’t always at Christmas time exactly, but it’s often around this time when it increases. Some of the girls are wise enough to go on their family visits home a while before Christmas. This is because they know there are gentlemen like you who really want to see them over the holidays.
We are privy to all the information you’re likely to need of course. Or at least we can find out easily. So what we’re appealing for today is for you to make your bookings as fast in advance as possible, whenever possible. Obviously not all the girls will be able to take advance bookings, even if they’re not going away. Sometimes it’s very hard to pin these ladies down!
Silly season for London escorts
We’re also calling it holiday season, rather than Christmas or New Year, just to highlight a period where everything goes a bit nuts and no-one knows what the’re doing. And we know you guys get a sudden rush of blood to the “head” and decide at the last moment that you want to get yourself a Christmas present. So it’s for this reason we would like you to at least try and plan a little in advance, even if it’s just by a couple of days.
And when you book in advance, you get the girls cheaper!