They’re the best because they’re here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When you’re booking Luton airport escorts, you need them to be ready for you at the drop of a hat right? You need them to get themselves ready and to your door, or wherever, within the hour. Allstars Escorts have a very precise selection of girls who are chosen for their availability. We only ever take on Luton airport escorts who can be ready in under an hour. Now, if they’re across the other side of the city, it may well take them a little longer to get to you, but then that’s to be expected really isn’t it. What’s good about Allstars Escorts is that they’ll come to you wherever they are. These girls really don’t mind travelling!
The beauty of our Luton airport escorts
Allstars Escorts unique recruiting method is simply that we don’t recruit believe it or not! We don’t go out looking for girls, they come to us. And they come to us because they know that we get more clients than any other cheap London escort agency in the city. The Luton airport escorts that we get at Allstars are all very aware, and indeed very happy that, that we only charge £100 an hour. If they wanted to earn more than that for an hour of their time, they’ll go to another agency. We don’t pretend to be any other agency, we offer quality cheap Luton airport escorts, and indeed escorts of all types, all over the city; but we will never increase the price, since this loses us business.
The girls know each other too you understand, escorting in London is a lot closer than you think in terms of community. So these girls know where the good agencies are, they know who the best clients are, and they know what prices they should be going for. If you think about it, they could easily charge £500 an hour, but they’re not going to get many bookings for that money these days! When you charge only £100, you get more bookings and actually end up earning more than some of the so called high class agency girls that won’t get out of bed for less than £5-600 an hour. It’s not good business sense to outprice yourself, especially if you’re an airport escort. There are a lot of Luton airport escorts, so competition is fierce most of the time.
Book your quality Luton airport escorts now from Allstars Escorts