new London escortsWe’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, we’re always getting new London escorts at Allstars Escorts. We’d like to introduce you to a couple more if you’ve got the time. The following new London escorts are very keen to meet you, and you’re never going to regret a moment you spend with them. They come highly recommended, and they already have experience in the industry. This means you can expect the best. Nothing like hitting the ground running is there?


A lovely size 10-12, beautiful beyond belief, and a real head-turner! Yasmin is a brand-new Arabic escort who loves to make you happy. She has a passion for men of all ages and backgrounds because she loves to learn more about people, and she has a natural ability to please them. She speaks excellent English and her personality is charming to say the very least. You can take this Arabic escort literally anywhere: dinner, hotels, and bars. She’ll never let you down, and she’s one of the most reliable we’ve got at Allstars Escorts.


A stunning English-speaking Euro babe! One of the best new London escorts we’ve seen at Allstars Escorts. That is in respect of how many bookings she’s had already. Sonya is making a name for herself as a young escort who is very keen to meet all our clients. If she could meet every one of you, we think she really would you know! One of Sonya’s favorite things to do is dine out. She loves nice wine, different food, and cultures, and to do all this in the company of an attentive man.

Meet our new London escorts

Why don’t you make the effort to get to know our new London escorts by calling the agency right now? We are open 24 hours a day, and we’re always happy to keep you entertained! Girls to your door, anywhere in London and Greater London within the hour… Try us out for size!

Allstars Escorts