There’s a reason we specialise in outcall escorts here at Allstars. The main reason is that we can represent a hell of a lot more girls if we only offer outcall services. And this in turn means that we can get anywhere in London and Greater London. When you represent incall escorts it opens a can of worms when it comes to selecting the girls.
What’s wrong with incalls?
If you’re a good escort agency and you represent incall girls, you need to check on where they are located. You can’t have your clients going all over London in all the terrible parts of the city where their car might get stolen or damaged, or something worse happening of course. Outcall escorts are a lot safer and a lot easier to represent.
Why outcall escorts?
As we said, we can represent more girls if they’re outcall escorts. The girls are also given the luxury of being able to live wherever they want in London and still pursue their careers. You see, not all escorts can afford to live in expensive places. London is a tough place to live these days financially. That’s not to say that all our outcall escorts don’t live in the best places, some of them do. But all of them prefer to do only outcalls because it gives them a certain anonymity that they value above all else.
The outcall escorts we represent also love to visit hotels in London and private residences all over. It’s exciting for them and they always find that their clients are much more relaxed in their own homes or hotel rooms. This is especially so for those outcall escorts who have offered incalls in the past; they know the difference.
Sit back and relax
Being able to sit there in your chair, watching a little TV, or perhaps listening to some music and having a quick drink is wonderful. You can sit there whilst you wait for your outcall escort to arrive. What could be better than waiting in the comfort of your own place, with no worries about finding an escort’s location, no going out and getting cold, all you have to do is wait. Then you get the knock on the door. You open the door and there she stands, looking fabulous! Outcall escorts from Allstars will always look fabulous and they’ll always be there on time!