It’s a fact that there are many of you out there who believe that London escorts only offer incall services, or outcall services to hotels. This is a mistake. Most truly professional agencies are happy to send an escort to your home too. The girls are all happy to do this and they do it all the time.
Carefully selected girls
It’s actually part of our selection process. We won’t represent any girl who isn’t happy to go to a client’s home as well as to a hotel. It seems silly to us to represent girls that won’t go one place, but will another. It becomes confusing for our clients and then they go elsewhere to a more professional agency. Allstars is a highly professional agency and when we say we are exclusively outcall, that means for sure you can get an escort to your home.
Why book an escort to your home?
It’s often a nice choice if you’re a little nervous about going to incall bookings, or having to pay for a hotel just to see a girl. It can become very expensive if you go to a hotel. Obviously it’s a necessity if you’re in a relationship and you’re keeping things quiet, but if you’re not and you don’t have neighbours who care what you get up to, get an escort to your home instead.
It’s actually a lot more relaxing for you when you know where you are and that you’re having company over. You know where everything is, you can easily fix yourself and your companion a drink etc. and everything feels so much safer and more discreet. When you’re at someone else’s apartment it can feel as though you don’t know who may come in, or who is already in the apartment etc. It’s never fully relaxing is it?
If you like the idea of having these girls coming to your home, where you feel relaxed and prepared to entertain, then go and browse our available gallery and choose your date!