alexaToday’s post is for all you national and International travellers out there. Those of you who travel into London frequently, for business or pleasure, and like to book our escorts. We are appealing to your good nature in asking you to ensure that you are well groomed. In particular, make sure your oral hygiene is perfect!

Bad breath

Our escorts don’t expect you to have a set of teeth on you like a supermodel or anything like that, don’t worry. But they do expect them to be clean and your breath to be fresh at the very least. There is nothing worse than greeting someone with a kiss when they have very bad breath! and if this is the first thing a London escort notices about you, the rest of the booking is not likely to be looked forward to is it? You can hardly blame a girl for being less than enthusiastic if you smell like a sewer.


Yes, some escorts smoke, but certainly not all of them. and whether they do or not doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not you should refrain from doing so before your booking. It’s only fair isn’t it? Give a girl a chance to enjoy your company as we’re sure you will enjoy hers. And we all know just how smoking makes your breath stink, as well as your clothes etc.

When you think about it, considering that you’re waiting for one of our escorts in a hotel room, or apartment, you really don’t have an excuse not to brush your teeth at least; so remember that toothbrush!

Splash on some of the good stuff!

And if you’ve got any, splash it on! You can bet your life that she’ll be smelling fantastic for you. Those girls really do make an effort for their clients (get that “date night feeling” when both parties have their perfume/aftershave on!)


On the subject of hygiene and making an impression, there is one more thing we’d like to add. We can safely assume that you have a shower at your place? Whether it’s a hotel or an apartment, you’re bound to have one. We’re asking for our escorts again here. Could you please ensure that you make these facilities available to your companion before she leaves if she wants them? She may well have somewhere else to go (not necessarily another booking either!) In addition, can you also make sure the shower is clean too, and not like a tramp has been sleeping in it? No-one wants to put their feet in a grimy shower! These are classy girls you know, ever if they are among the cheapest in London!