These days, when a man pays for a high-priced call girl, he wants more bang for his bucks. Escorts are not known for kissing their clients, but today men are paying for high-priced escorts who are willing to kiss them, "date" them, and be their pretend
girlfriends. It's called the "girlfriend experience", and escorts are no longer called hookers, prostitutes, whores or hos; they are now called "providers".
Customers, previously known as punters, or Johns, or dirty old men now refer to themselves
"hobbyists". Says that when men call up and want the GFE, (or the girlfriend experience), they ask for a "a nice girl" which is escort code, since prostitutes don't want to describe over the phone what sexual activity will be exchanged for money.
"This usually means that they want kissing and unprotected oral," she says. "It's code for paying for things a girlfriend would do with her boyfriend such as foreplay, non-rushed sex, and cuddling", a concept
interesting to any woman (and believe it there are many) who have had sex for free with no foreplay, two minutes of penetration, and zero cuddling.
The GFE starts with dinner at a nice restaurant followed by making out on the sofa back at her place - often her own flat, where the sexual menu generally includes
- DFK (deep French kissing), BBBJ, (bare-back blow job), DATY (dining at the Y), mish (missionary), doggie, and if she's really a good girlfriend A level (anal sex). In different prices you can buys a dream girlfriend
who is an eighth ("totally hot"), a nine ("model material"), or even a ten ("I can't believe it's a service!"). The providers assures that you'll never get a four ("only if you're drunk"),
a three ("homely"), a two ("ugly"), or a one ("I was really scared"). According to someones, who provides escorts throughout the UK like our agency All Stars Escorts, that combine the GFE with the PSE (porn star experience)
says that If you are looking for an unbelievably naughty girlfriend experience with a real porn star, look no further! All of our porn star escorts have insatiable appetites for wild encounters. They are the nastiest, dirtiest, filthiest girls available.